My current Work-In-Progress, hereafter referred to as the WIP, is a standalone novel titled Saving Valentines. I have been trying to get to this book for over three years. Johnnie McDaniel and Eve Goodlight have taken a backseat to Linc and Tally for a long time.
It takes me a long while to get centered on a book. The muse (or, is that musing?) is a weird thing. And life gets in the way. Anyway, I hope to have a semblance of a completed story for you in 2017 barring any unforeseen catastrophes, and there have been a few of those…
I admit I’ve been uptight (shall we say angsty? It’s not a word; I KNOW) about writing for the past several months. I burned myself out with the release of Tell Me Something True and stress galore last summer has made it impossible to concentrate on the work.
So, of course, Saving Valentines is giving me fits. It has been harder than I thought to transition away from the strong characters that are Linc and Tally and effectively get them out of my head, although I think I’ve finally reached a point where new characters are beginning to take shape. Good thing, right?
For Saving Valentines, I am concentrating on a personal sense of balance, both in the writing as well as the evolution of where the story takes me.
So, readers, prepare yourselves properly is about all I can say at this point when it comes to this next novel. Just know this, I’m writing this particular story line because it feels right to me–if that makes any sense at all. Thanks for being so patient for the next book while I flounder around trying to get a grasp on my writing process and my life, in general.
As I stated earlier, I’m shooting to complete the book in 2018 even though my writing process remains a challenge, so we shall see what I am able to accomplish. In the mean time, here’s my Pinterest board that is filled with my musings and inspiration for this new storyline to tide you over until it’s finished. Finally, if you want to be one of the first ones to know of the next novel release, sign up for my mailing list if you haven’t done so already. As always, thanks for dropping by and reading my work. I am grateful to all of you for doing so.