The “Playlist” for This Much Is True follows the chapter listing fairly closely (by mood, of course).
Why did I create a playlist? Well, music plays a big part of my writing process and these songs were played extensively over the past year and a half. I have a huge playlist of over a hundred songs that evolved down to these twenty songs as the story came alive and the characters became 3-Dimensional because they do that in my mind.
It will make more sense AFTER you’ve read the book…What are you waiting for?! Links below for the novel because I’m thorough, a perfectionist, demanding…all of those. ♥
Available as an eBook for Kindle and eBook readers at the following retailers:
In Print ~ TRADE PAPERBACK 6″ X 9″ here:
My favorite is Titanium! Great playlist. How do I share it on my blog post for your blitz with the spotify like it shows up here? I am following this on my spotify now.
Love that song! Thank you for checking out the playlist. If you want to share it on your blog, you could embed it like I did; I think. Shoot me an email and I’ll send you the HTML blog post and you can try it. katherine(at) Thanks!
I figured it out. Thanks! It goes up on Thursday!
Okay good. Which blog is yours? I’ll come visit! And thanks for featuring This Much Is True! x KO
Kindle and me I can’t wait to read the book. I loved all the promo stuff you have!! And No Problem – I am happy to do it!
Christina Perry’s “A Thousand Years”
I just love this song and listen to it regularly, at least once a day, it’s fab!
My favourite song out of you song list choices, would have to be Christina Perry’s “A Thousand Years” I feel there is soo much emotion written in that song and I have an awesome memory of this song that I’ll share, it was when the release of Breaking Dawn part 2 was due to be released. Me and my sister decided to do a movie-thon at the cinemas, we stayed from 11 in the morning until 2 in the next morning watching every Twilight film before the new release! Such an awesome experience and would definitely recommend for ya’ll to try it, if they do a movie-thon again. Any-ways, me and my sister fell in love with this song its, perfect! End of PERFECT!
It was definitely perfect for the end of the Breaking Dawn and the Twilight Saga series. I played it quite a bit when I was writing This Much Is True. Thanks for stopping by and entering the contest. Good luck!
One note, sweeties,
I couldn’t find Rihanna’s version of the song for “Stay”. It wouldn’t come up on Spotify after an EXTENSIVE search. So, there you go. ♥